In past lives I have been
… a vicar in West London, chaplain at Lee Abbey Community, North Devon, lecturer and tutor at Trinity College Bristol (teaching Pastoral Theology, Spirituality, Evangelism and church history), Director of Ministry Development in the Diocese of Lichfield, Associate Director Ordinands and Warden of Readers in the Diocese of Gloucester.
… for some years in the midst of that I was a ‘free-range priest’, working freelance in areas of personal spiritual accompaniment, prayer and retreat, vocational guidance, speaking, leadership and ministry, theological teaching and training.
… I am now retired and free-ranging again. I live in Devon.
I write on areas of faith, spirituality, sexuality, prayer and human development. Click at the top of this page to find out more.
I am a Christian and a priest in the Church of England
… long captivated and drawn by this profound, compelling and ancient faith that now urgently seeks new ways of being present to an exciting and restless culture, but one impulsively adrift from any spiritual roots and unable to recognize its perils.
I am an explorer
… trying to live from the edge – mixing silence, reflection and contemplative prayer with the work described above. These are exciting but easily confusing times for people of all faiths and none. Many of the familiar landmarks by which we navigate our paths through life are no longer there or have lost their meaning.
Whole patterns of belonging and of knowing ourselves have changed.
What kind of churches, communities or world will emerge from this is not clear.
How individuals and communities live and pray faithfully through such times needs much wisdom. Theologically and practically we will be exploring and experimenting for the foreseeable future.